INTROVERT: Cultural / Climate
The traditional arab house is closed to the exterior. It is an introvert house.
Because of the cultural/ religious traditions and the climate conditions, the house presents the exterior facades almost without any kind of windows.

EXTERIOR FACADE- Main door/ access
Only the main door is the point where the house is opened to the exterior.
This doors are usually made with diferents colors and traditional geometric drawings.

All the interior life of the house is developed around the patio.
A patio usually with water (fountain) and vegetation to create a micro-climate.

Instead of constructing a house, we propose to construct "the germ" of a house.
The proportion of the land is made to minimize the structure. We have small beams of 6 mts. long each 3 meters.
This structural system allow easily to construct the new roofs, always respecting the minimun patio size of 3x3 meters.
Building the minimun is not only a low-cost decision.
With the minimum we give the oportunity that each house can be adpated to the requirements and needs of every family.

Through an additive principle, the initial stage, "the germ", can grow and can be transformed in almost an infinite number of different houses.

The patios generate a ventilation system that allows to keep out the hot air.

We concentrate all the installations and facilities in only one module. It is a prefabricated module. In this way we ensure the correct operation of the water supply, the waste water, the electricity supply,...

Instead of constructing a completely finished house, we propose to construct "the germ" of a house.
The proportion of the land is made to minimize the structure and to optimise the dividing walls.
- THE STRUCTURE. We propose small beams of 6 mts. long each 3 meters.
This structural system allows easily the construction of the new roofs.
This structural system allows easily the construction of the new roofs.
- THE DIVIDING WALLS. All the new adtions of the house will use at least in one side the existing dividing walls like a facade.
Thus we optimise the construction, because we have to construct one facade less.
Thus we optimise the construction, because we have to construct one facade less.
- THE PATIOS- The new adittions have to be ventilated at least by a 3x3 meters patio, that is the distance between the beams.
We consider the minimum the follows elements:
- The land
- The dividing walls.
- The beams.
- The prefabricated module.
- The exterior facade, but we leave free the space for the main door. Each family will build it own door.
- The dividing walls.
- The beams.
- The prefabricated module.
- The exterior facade, but we leave free the space for the main door. Each family will build it own door.

THE GROWING OF THE GERM: Simulation A of the construction.
Each family can develop the house according to theirs requirements.
And it is not an unique process.
It can be developed in a long time of period: first a roof, after a small room, later a living room, and with the new borns, another new room...
It is a house that is never finished. It can always be transformed.

THE GROWING OF THE GERM: Simulation B of the construction.

Through an additive principle, the initial stage, "the germ", can grow and can be transformed in almost an infinite number of different houses, depending on the requeriments and needs of each family.



Our proposal divides the urban configuration in clusters of differents sizes.
The cluster intends to configurate smalls neighbourhoods, to preserve the comunity feeling.
The cluster configuration is intended to be developed in all the scales.
Each group of clusters generates a bigger cluster.