Honourable mention in National Competition

The proposal is aligned parallel to Nueve de Octubre Street. We are attempting to liberate as much PUBLIC SPACE aspossible.
For this we will start with arelatively narrow bay, only 14 m.
To avoid the building having an impact on the existing constructions, which range from three-storey single-family houses to apartment blocks with four or five storeys. The proposal is not located on the plot’s limits but is set back 8 m towards Nueve de Octubre Street.
This way we create an access space from the center of Alfafar towards the new proposal.
The height of the proposed buildingis controlled by the adjacent constructions, and is indicated at a maximum andconstant height of 14 m for the whole building.
For this we will start with arelatively narrow bay, only 14 m.
To avoid the building having an impact on the existing constructions, which range from three-storey single-family houses to apartment blocks with four or five storeys. The proposal is not located on the plot’s limits but is set back 8 m towards Nueve de Octubre Street.
This way we create an access space from the center of Alfafar towards the new proposal.
The height of the proposed buildingis controlled by the adjacent constructions, and is indicated at a maximum andconstant height of 14 m for the whole building.
One of the main premises of the proposal is to preserve the urban emptiness presently occupying the plot.
An emptiness that is capable of becoming a new public space for the town of Alfafar.
We believe that the uses proposed by the competition are good motors for generating a quality public space.
The proposal is positioned protecting the public space on the west side.
We therefore want to generate small SHADY and SUNNY micro climates, which provide the guidelines to organize free space.
The building deforms the original bay to generate different spaces which are shady or sunny.
It is formed as a shell capable of creating interior spaces in the open air.
The building has two clearly different facades:
- The facade facing west
- The shady spaces on the east
The program is linearly set alongthe building, according to the following compatible uses:
A- AUDITORIUM AREA- Orchestra seats, stage and lobby.
B- CAFETERIA AREA- Cafeteria. Rehearsal and dressing rooms connected to the auditorium.
C- EXHIBITION AREA- Edgar Neville Gallery and Exhibition hall.
D- LIBRARY AREA- Library and conference hall.
E- ADMINISTRATION AREA- Offices and meeting halls.
We propose a flexible and open program. The only conditions are a set bay width of 14 m. and variable lengths in relation to usage.

Location of Site: Alfafar, Valencia, Spain.
DesignTeam: Birga Wingenfeld / Felix Toledo Lerín / Michael Moradiellos.
Client: Alfafar’sTown Hall
Site Area: 9.415sm
DesignTeam: Birga Wingenfeld / Felix Toledo Lerín / Michael Moradiellos.
Client: Alfafar’sTown Hall
Site Area: 9.415sm
Built-up Area: 16.450sm